Friday, April 13, 2007

HO 9

Statued like Rodin's Thinker:
Here the black and white stone seat.
When the first shit splashes
and the stank scrapes the nose,
teeth and tounge,
You reach
for the wicker watse basket
with the 10, 000 year
plastic bag white, and
Puke (something) air-craft
scrambled eggs yellow and
water falls wire fired liver.
The ship captains' rocking cabin
handle's pushed down and the
days fresh gray suned.

NP 4

I saw a spining and turning
in-on-itself centipede.
Thought I a worm at first but
the circle darker and
armored purple on top.
Why the black-hole spin
in the middle of the
brown trail.?
A handfull of knats,
the kind that dive
into your eyes,
surround like a gang and
attacked solo.
Never of that imagined knats.